The Lion game
The Lion game is a visual-spatial complex span task suitable for self-reliant assessment in primary school children. Children are presented with a 4 × 4 matrix containing 16 bushes. In each trial, eight lions of different colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple) are consecutively presented at different locations in the matrix for 2000 ms. Children have to remember the last location where a lion of a certain color (e.g., red) has appeared and use the mouse button to click on that location after the sequence has ended. The task consists of five levels each of four items (20 items in total), in which working memory load is manipulated by the number of colors – and hence, the number of locations – children have to remember and update. No cut-off rules are applied.
The Lion game is available in the following languages:
- Dutch
- English (developed in collaboration with dr. Joan Christodoulou)
- German
For more information:
- Factsheet
- Article in BRM on psychometric properties (Van de Weijer-Bergsma, Kroesbergen, Prast, & Van Luit, 2014)